Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Here is a new episode for all those who love to flock together in gardens,parties,public places and with sips of tea enjoy criticizing Indian politics.
      Congress has been in the firing line.Just when it looked,things would return to a state of lull after constant prodding from innate adversaries,it was veteran Congressman and present foreign minister Mr.S.M Krishna's turn to leave the high command sulking.
      It was not a slip of tongue but a 3-minute long speech in full consciousness with intermittent breaks at the grandiose UN headquarters that brought about uncanny gestures from a crowd of white collars-gestures that you would normally not see in a high profile meeting such as the UN's.The ministers were grinning and giggling like audiences of a comic play when they heard the same words being spoken by two different statesman from two different countries.Mr.Krishna had mistakenly read out the 3-minute introductory speech of the Portugal's foreign minister,who had already finished his speech.Before Mr.Krishna could realize his blunder of reading the wrong piece of paper and a state of embarrassment could cut him into pieces,India's mantle had been stained already.
     The bizarre incident might not gather as much heat as Raja's episode did but it is politically reasonable enough to keep the BJP leaders out of their seats.Also because of the fact that the incident took place as an aftermath of the scam-tainted months,the two-phased ineffectiveness of the government is revealed.If Raja swindled crores by using his sheer intellect,Krishna made India,a subject of laughter by utter stupidity and irresponsibleness.What worse for the party,it is not the member of an ally who is the culprit this time,it's the cat of the same breed,someone who has seen his beard go white being in Congress.
    The Congress may get away with this shrugging off saying 'a mistake by a 60 year old man' or it may use the weapon of 'silence' as it had done post 2G scam allegations.Futile is to say that the BJP leaders would be all over the Congressmen in the forthcoming Budget Session for they get another arrow added to their armory.This would continue as a routine-process.The rat's race would go on for no one resigns or can afford to resign to the fact that political wars more often than not end up being a stalemate,unless you have the
elections knocking the door.
     As usual,nobody but the country with its piteous citizens is at the receiver's end of  the deeds of the section of people for whom there is a separate and a lenient law and order system in a country which claims to be a democratic.Corruption is something that is deeply-rooted.It's an evil that originates from the grass-root governments and goes deep into the corridors of highest powers.Hence,mere cutting of the branches won't stop the tree from growing.People do fling into the topic of 'Right to vote' whenever corruption holds its ground in a discourse.I doubt whether our constitution allows its citizens to have their input in the 'framework' of the government.Does ballot decide a portfolio of a minister?After all,we do not give powers to the candidate that we elect,we give powers to a political party and its greedy allies.And where would you find a political party that does not have a A.Raja in its ranks?     

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