Sunday, January 30, 2011


India, a state where terrorism,inflation,communal disharmony by their impact made on people are more concerning matters than anything else for a government which understandably presents a 'deaf ear' to the pathetic cries of the fast depleting breed,is in danger of losing its national animal.
Meanwhile, our country is still vulnerable against these giant issues and unless any of these or all of these issues are not stabilized at least to the comfort level of general public,the government in all likelihood will keep overlooking the sorry state of the depleting tigers-an issue which on its own deserves a higher priority.
The decrease in the number over the last few years has been staggering and now we are left with a meager 1411.Industrialization and infrastructure development at the cost of destruction of forests and greenery,persistent deforestation, relentless poaching make life difficult for tigers.They have been battling for life against forces which are lot stronger,brutal,merciless and almost invincible,getting defeated and dying ultimately.
Some State governments and organisations such as the Wildlife Society of India did bat an eyelid to the issue in the past but their measures were not compulsive enough.Now that the number is declining at a more alarming rate, they seem to be quadriplegic without proper aids from their bosses holding higher portfolios.
Questions do stem out from critical situations such as this,as afterthoughts.Is India politically and administratively so weak that it cannot protect its national animal from vanishing?Does India possess a soulless and a self-obsessed population which is not moved by an issue which is greater than all issues-a national issue?If Yes,then it's more than a shame, it's a disgrace to the country and its citizens.
Do afford a thought in this.Share this or comment on this,spread awareness by doing your bit before another one is turned orphan.

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